Monday, October 1, 2012

Tamiya Stadium Blitzer 2010

The original Tamiya Stadium Blitzer (58106) is somewhat of a modern classic.  It was released around 1992 and was a fairly popular model at the time.  The chassis was robust with a good drivetrain, so it lasted through lots of bash sessions and jumps.  Not a racer by any means, but a great fun truck that looked cool with the stadium truck inspired polycarbonate body, especially in box art colors.

Tamiya re-released the Stadium Blitzer in 2010 (58482) and it was well received by fans because it was almost exactly the same as the original.  The decals were changed slightly due to licensing, but the body and chassis are the same design and parts as the original.  Of course the mechanical speed control was replaced with a TEU-104BK electronic speed control, but the mounting plate still has the holes for one if you have a desire to re-live the old days.

The original wheels were just starting to become hard to find brand new for a good price right around the time the re-release was announced:

This parts tree was a popular purchase on eBay because it contains the front shock tower mount which is prone to breaking under stressful conditions: 

This is the bonus part mentioned on the box:

As with most of the new new releases by Tamiya, the manual is black and white rather than blue and white like the original:

The decals are faithful to the original.  The only difference I saw was the "Progear" decal replaced with "Finespec":

Tamiya includes window masks as well, which are very handy:

It's a great vehicle for Tamiya to re-release due to its popularity, especially with the short course truck craze going on right now in R/C.

This one will stay NIB, as I have an original that was restored 5 months before the re-release was announced.

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