Monday, September 24, 2012

Kyosho Pegasus Restoration (part 2)

Finally, after a long vacation from R/C this summer, I started to feel the need to work on some unfinished projects.  Luckily the weather had been warm enough to paint, so I managed to complete the Kyosho Pegasus that I was restoring.  As Part 1 ended, all that was left was to paint the body and wing.   Painting bodies is not something I really enjoy because I am too much of a perfectionist and find fault in everything I paint.  This is no exception.

The Pegasus is painted in box art style, but with one large mistake.  The manual step describing the application of decals had the wing decal upside-down.  

I did not realize this until after I had already set the decal in place and mounted the wing.  I looked at the box top, and...


Oh well.  This is one case where following the instructions is NOT recommended.  It still looks pretty good, even upside down.  The body is original however the wing is from teambluegroove on eBay.  The decals are also all original.  They worked remarkably well considering their age.  A hair dryer was used on a couple curved parts to make the decals stick.  This trick works very well for stubborn corners and curves.

Tamiya XF-1 flat black acrylic paint was brushed on the inside of the body for the driver cage frame rails and Tamiya PS-1 white was sprayed inside the body and wing.  As usual, getting the paint to go into the recessed parts of the wing was practically impossible, so the coating is a little lighter there.  XF-1 flat black was also used on the backs of the KC HiLiTER driving lights, with some X-8 yellow on the fronts as a backing color for the decals.

Overall I am very pleased with the final result, wing decal mistake notwithstanding.

This car will not be run much, if at all, due to the lack of spare parts and brittle plastic.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on this original Pegasus. Parts for these are rare, but are not the dearest among vintage RC models. So perhaps your solution to the wing is to find a new body set and decals and use the original wing with correct decal placement :)
